Scharlie Martin


Scharlie Martin is the pen name (alter ego) of a retired product engineer/tax man with a master’s degree in English and a great love of the English language and all the old fiction masters like Ernest Hemingway, Steven Crane, Robert Frost and a whole host of others.

William R. Green

A seeker of Truth in the non-fiction field.

William R. Green is the man behind the Scharlie Martin nom de plume. Scharlie is a nickname from my military service days and Martin is my mother's maiden name. Bill, as my friends call me, would have stayed hidden behind the nom de plume penname had it not been for the fact that President Donald Trump believes he is above the law and is, in fact, currently considering pardoning himself and various members of his family. I believe passionately in Democracy and have a tendency to butt in with my two cents worth.

Arlene Green

Chief cook & bottle washer with a feminine viewpoint.

Arlene has been writing poetry for a local paper called Senior Perspective for several years and has developed considerable following among the ladies in the community.

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